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Writer's pictureCal Applebee

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a safe, Happy New Year! We're starting our new year at the Museum with a lot going on: First of all, your Board held its annual elections at the December meeting, electing Gene Wobbe of Wobbe & Assoc. as President, Jolene Medeiros of Florence Tech Solutions as Vice President, returning Jacquie Beveridge as Secretary and Joe Henry as Treasurer. Wayne Sharpe remains on as Past-President, and Tim Sapp, Don Drozdenko, Gary Cannon, Gary Cargill and JP Badel remain. Unfortunately, long time member Tom Benedict decided not to re-run, so we say farewell to Tom and thank him for all his years of service as both a board member and a Volunteer. We start our class on Oregon's Past Military History next week on the 10th and there is still room to join in. Six classes will be held in January, February and March at the Museum on Wednesday evenings. You can find details on our website under Upcoming Events, and register by emailing: or calling us at 541-902-5160. Seating is limited! Just like a lot of non-profit organizations in our community, we can not function without our Volunteers - we thank them for their time and talent this past year. However, they need more help. If you would like to check out our volunteering opportunities, please contact Geoff Cannon Thursday thru Saturday at the Museum, or call him at 541-902-5160. Watch your mail - electronic as well as snail - for membership renewals for 2018! The Board has approved a new membership program starting January 1 and we need you to enlist in our ranks to support us! See you soon - Thanks! Cal Applebee Executive Director

Image by RetroSupply
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